Adam Yulch

Rank: Lieutenant
Date of Appointment: Thursday, April 16, 1925
Date of Death: Sunday, July 2, 1950
Killed In The Line of Duty #13
Acting Captain Adam Yulch while on duty was crossing Broadway, Hewlett, from the north side to the south side-stepped back to the curb to avoid an on-coming motorcycle. He lost his balance and fell into the roadway on June 17, 1950, causing head injuries. He died in the hospital on July 2, 1950, as the result of this accident. He received the Martin Littleton award for the Laundry Mark Identification System on September I., 1939, and a Meritorious Award for the same Identification System on August 20, 1941. He was 65 years old.
Serial # 0057 Patrolman Shield # 21 Sergeant Shield # Lieutenant Shield # 7
National Law Enforcement Memorial: Panel 23, E -1